Blakesley Show Help Needed

The annual Blakesley show is fast approaching, held this year on the 6th August.

This is one of the biggest fundraising events of the year. Towcestrians are lucky enough to be able to run the only bar on site and keep the profits from it. We don’t pay for our bar staff at this event so we need volunteers to help man the bar, re-stock drinks etc. It is normally great fun and no previous bar experience is needed. All would be welcome, family, friends etc.

Please contact Duncan Wakelin on 07980 762063 if you can spare some time to help. The bar will be open from 10.30 till 1.30 am Sunday. Anytime you can give would be very much appreciated, we especially need a lot of help from 8.00 pm onwards.

It’s also great fun so please help…..