In an attempt to co-ordinate all of the sessions we are hoping to run, could we ask everyone to pop among to a brief meeting at the Clubhouse on Thursday 7 January, at 7:30pm; it should only be for an hour, or so. The topics to discuss, include:
Emails have been sent to all of the lead coaches and helpers we are aware of, from last season, plus the main committee members who we presume may wish to attend; if you think anyone else might be interested in coming along, then please let them know about the meeting.
If you can’t make it, but you are still definitely going to be involved next season can you please just drop Cliff a quick email; also we will happily bring up any other issues anyone has, in relation to administration or organisational matters – just let me know… Also, if you know of others who may be able to help out, please let Tony, Rob or Cliff know so we can get them involved ASAP.
If you have any constructive questions/comments to add, please let Cliff Davidson know, and he will try to make sure we cover any concerns/questions etc.
Cliff Davidson
07801 933923