Towcestrians 90th anniversary celebrations Come and join us for an amazing day full of fun
31st January 22
For the latest match reports click below
8th January 21
You will no doubt be aware that since the last bulletin
1st January 21
Following the recent announcements by the government, the General Committee
23rd December 20
Firstly, I hope you and your families are all safe and well as we head into Christmas
17th December 20
Opening hours Saturday 19th from
5th November 20
we do need however is a team of volunteers to run the shop!
As per the PM’s statement, the lockdown is due to end on Dec 2nd
9th September 20
With our fabulous new hockey pitch, we are planning to start a men’s section.
13th August 20
Rugby back on TV at last and back on at Tows!
7th August 20
Volunteers and contractors have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic
The bar is continuing to attract members and guests alike