The General Committee have sanctioned the setting up of a new subcommittee, to put on a more professional footing the Corporate Club hire, Sponsorship and other items such as Tows Kit, both playing and supporter, promoting “Club” social events, marketing spend and other fundraising items.
Individual Sponsorship will also be encouraged and ALL sections are encouraged to help raise funds for their own sections by help running events and obtaining sponsors either corporate or smaller individual sponsorship. The work put in by each section will be recognised by the committee to help fund items for the sections.
Tows has embarked on yet another ambitious programme of improvements not only to our playing facilities but to other items requested by each section to further improve their facilities. This ranges from the acquisition of further land to a Tennis “Practice wall” and ultimately an Artificial multisport surface. Further improvements to the club house in the form of an new extended and refurbished Members bar are also aims for the committee to fund!
Of course this takes time and effort and it is to be remembered we are a club run extensively by volunteers, so if you have some time and or, expertise you can give by helping on the committee, please contact:
Mike Bristow
Danni McDonald
John English
George Newton George Newton
Richard Michael
WE NEED YOUR HELP either by joining with us or by nominating people and businesses we can approach for sponsorship and to “sell” our facilities to during the week! Danni has compiled some great leaflets to promote both Sponsorship and corporate hire which will be available very soon! Watch this space.