Following the AGM at the end of October, Towcestrians has a new General Committee
There are some “old” faces still giving their time to help run the club but we are delighted to see some new faces and look forward to their input throughout the Tows year and hopefully for many years to come.
Towcestrians Sports Club with its 5 playing sections can’t run without the tremendous work of the volunteers so please give them your support. If you have any queries or comments about the club please contact the GC members anytime.
The new committee is:
President: David MacDonald
Club Chairman: Mark Austin
Chairman of the Rugby Club: Matthew Saxby
Chairman of the Mini and Junior Division of the Rugby Club: Terry Cattle
Chairman of the Cricket Club: Rob Jones
Chairman of the Tennis Club: Alan Lovell
Chairperson of the Hockey Club: Leanne Telford
Honorary Treasurer: Steve Griggs
Honorary General Secretary: Simon Knibbs (House)
Honorary Assistant General Secretary: Arnie Bennett
Social Secretary: John English (Commercial)
Subscription Secretary: Duncan Wakelin (Membership)
Other committee members
Dave Cunningham
Gemma English
Tina Hines
Richard Michael
Chris Spackman
James Taylor
We have yet to appoint a committee member responsible for grounds but that function is currently being overseen by a grounds sub-committee. Updates will follow. All committee members have been allocated further roles to assist wherever necessary the running of the main categories of the club.
A full list of GC members contact details and roles will be published on the website asap.
At the AGM it was suggested that there was a need to relook at the existing Club Rules and bring them up to date. Dave Cunningham is currently reviewing these and will present his findings and recommendations firstly to the General Committee then to the club as a whole at an EGM for discussion and implementation.