Message from the Chairman, Frank Osborne

Let me start by saying what a privilege it is taking the reins once again at this exciting time of Towcestrians history, and pay tribute to Mark Austin, my predecessor, who has overseen the procurement of the extra land we so desperately need. I will, with my new team, endeavour to carry on in his footsteps and help deliver all the new facilities we aim to produce, for all sections of the club and the community as a whole.

I am mindful, that, as I am also a Trustee of the Club, a position I am rightly proud of, that we will do everything with due diligence and never put any part of the Tows at risk, financially or structurally, so we can move confidently on with the knowledge that we own everything we have and are never in debt.

Although we will take ownership of the new land we are buying within a few weeks, this will only be the start of a very large and ambitious project that will be a lasting legacy for the next generation of Towcestrians. We cannot proceed with the new project without first having a strong General Committee to take good care and governance of the day to day running of the club and keep it running on a firm and secure financial footing. This is one of the best GC’s I have served on and I am confident that, not only will it continue to run the day to day business of the club but, the subcommittee looking after the new development will deliver a first-class sporting facility in good time and under budget.

We will continually update you with news about the new project, which will, by its very nature change as we address each part of the project. READ MORE This will be determined on the availability of funds and managing the project to minimise the disruption to our existing premises. There will inevitably be a little disruption from time to time, but we are mindful that we need to continue to play sport here throughout the whole development period.

Funding the whole multimillion pound scheme will be a challenge! We will be working closely with SNC, London Marathon Charitable Trust, all our NGB’s and others to obtain funds, but it is essential that the club is seen to be doing its bit, by fundraising ourselves towards the project. Details of this fundraising scheme will be produced soon by the committee. We hope that you will all play a part, no matter how small, to help raise funds to support the project.

I would like to pay tribute at this point to all those on the Development Committee for all their hard work, given completely free of charge, nearly 2 years, to have got us to this point. True Towcestrians.

The reason that sets this club apart from many others, is the fact that we grow our own! Our Mini & Junior rugby section has set a fine example of how to run a successful club, and its thanks to the over 200 volunteers who help run the section that makes Tows the envy of many clubs in the region. This template is now being followed by the other sections and is already showing benefits. I would like to thank all those from all sections who give their time to ensure that the youth of our community will learn the true values of playing sport and being part of the bigger Towcestrians family.

On the playing side, I am delighted to tell you that ALL the sections have reported substantial growth in their memberships, especially in their junior sections and within a year we have not only created a boys hockey team but a girls rugby section as well as the now famous Towcester Roses women’s rugby team who are going from strength to strength already winning awards and topping their table! Well done to all involved in making this happen.

Our senior sides are having mixed results on the field but have shown great strides in the management and structure of their sections and I am confident that the future bodes well for all of Tows teams.

As part of our growth, we have now welcomed two new sports into the Towcestrians framework and we wish all those involved with Softball and Netball well. We are confident you will enjoy your sport and social activities.

2018 promises to be a very exciting year, both on and off our fields of play!

It just remains, therefore, for me to wish you all well in 2018. I look forward to seeing you at the club sometime soon.

Frank Osborne


Towcestrians Sports Club