You may have felt nothing has been happening, but behind the scenes there has been a huge amount going on! The complexities of buying the land have been long and fraught, with many last-minute obstacles to overcome and at least 5 sets of lawyers to agree but we are nearly there. We hope to announce very soon the land purchase.
But that is just when the fun really starts. We cannot give accurate time lines at this time as it depends on many things, not least funding, plans, design work and even the weather. However, we can tell you what we are proposing to do first and if possible this summer. READ MORE
There is a lot to do in the way of filling in funding application forms, sponsorship and fundraising, so if any of you would like to throw your hat into the ring like the 18 of us already working on the most important project in Tows history, please contact John
Phase 2: the Astro Hockey pitch, the indoor and outdoor tennis courts and new clubhouse will follow immediately funds become available. We have the support and backing of our NGB’s, SNC and LMCT but there is still a vast amount of fundraising to do, so please help where you can, to take our wonderful Sports Club to another level.
As always, we thank those who have worked tirelessly so far at Towcestrians to get to this stage. Now the future is in our hands, help us make it happen.