We are now ready to launch our new Tows Lotto, which is a new fundraising scheme to raise money for specific club projects that will benefit ALL Tows Members such as the new Members Lounge.
We have been running the Tows 100 club for a number of years but it’s last draw will be held imminently. Subsequently all the existing participants of the old 100 Club will be moved into the new Tows Lotto monthly draw, where the prize money each month will be significantly higher than previously. If anyone was a member of the old 100 club does NOT wish to participate in the new scheme please contact Gemma English gemmaenglish@live.co.uk .
To sign up for the new monthly draw please go to the Towcestrians Sports Club website and click on Join Us, click on the Online Registration link, then either “Access your account” or “Browse subscriptions “and scroll down the WebCollect options for Tows Lotto and fill in the Direct Debit form. For a small fee of only £5 a month you can make a huge difference to Towcestrians and have a great chance of winning a big cash prize every month! You can subscribe as many times as you like!
Full details as well as the lucky winners will be posted on the Club website and on Club noticeboards every month. The size of the pay-out will increase the more people join.
Remember you don’t have to be a member to sign up……..
For any questions please contact Gemma on the mail address supplied.