New Training Lights
The rugby section took proud ownership of two sets of portable training lights, sorely needed to supplement our existing lighting which is in the process of being upgraded!
Tows now have a defibrillator which is being up in the BBQ area for ease of access. Whilst of cause we hope we never have cause to use it, it is nevertheless a welcome addition to the facilities at the club. Clear instructions will be available but also all coaches/managers and others will be shown how to deploy it when it is up.
It should also be noted that there a two fully equipped up to date First Aid Kits available at the club, one situated in the kitchen in the cupboard as you go in on the right hand side, and one behind the bar. Let’s all hope they don’t get too much use…………
Club General Committee Contacts
A complete list of the new General committee will be posted on the various websites as well as being available on the Clubhouse notice boards. This will show each Committee members specific area of responsibility and how to contact them. ALL committee members are available to you no matter what your concerns are.