Tows 1st XV started their league campaign on Saturday and got off to a win although they will have to up their game if they are looking for promotion all those long weeks away! Please see the full match report by Hugo Austin by going to the Senior Rugby Section on the home page! Great action shots as ever supplied by James Rudd can be found on About My Area
The Tows 2nd XV also got into winning ways comfortably beating Wellingborough away. With the strength of the Tows Squad they will be a tough team to beat this season
M&J’s had their first official Sunday training and was enthusiastically received as ever.
The Ladies hockey section got there season under way with all three teams playing friendlies. Although results didn’t go their way with a lot of players still unavailable there was much promise to build on!
Cricket section are having an end of season T20 against their seasons hosts Blakesley this Sunday 14th! Does anyone fancy playing! Fun cricket with beers etc in the pub afterwards! Please contact Andrew Roberts: if you would like to play, even if you have been playing for other villages this season!
The Softball section is flourishing and still playing on Thursday evenings and will do so till they can’t see anymore. So if you fancy trying it out, please just rock up at 6.30 pm and join in! full instruction and equipment provided! Any questions please contact Colleen: