One of our Tows family has come up with a great idea!
We have so many people with businesses, small and large in our Towcestrians Community. Why not help each other out? Acting like a local directory of traders who are members and associated with the club, we thought it would be a great idea to have a list available on our website, that our membership could contact in times of emergency perhaps when you need assistance with electric, plumbing etc or for help with garden projects or just dog walking. Our membership has so much to offer each other…
There are loads of ways we can help each other. From a list of traders and suppliers from within the club you will be able to easily access their skills, products and services.
You can have confidence they will, as Towcestrians, give you the best possible price and service. Some may also offer a discount to members!! A number of us already know and have used businesses in the Tows family to great benefit and it is a great way to support a local business!
So, firstly we are asking anyone who would like to sign up to the scheme to follow the instructions below! Then we will publish the directory!
Towcestrians Tried and Trusted Traders
Do you love your club?
Do you have a skill, service or product to sell?
Why not join the list of Towcestrians Tried and Trusted Traders by adding your contact details and a brief statement of what you do?
This will then be circulated to the Tows database of 2000 plus members, and be available on our website.
Get more work and business by simply contacting us via email with the info requested. We will launch the scheme in the New Year.
Please email:
Make sure you put ‘TTTT’ as a subject heading so we don’t miss your email.