Saturday 28th November
As part of our efforts to improve your experience at Tows and to achieve the best possible commercial deals for the Club and its members, Tows will be changing drinks suppliers at the beginning of December.
This will give us all a new array of beers, wines ciders etc which is an exciting prospect but it has given us a bit of a dilemma. The changeover means that we will inevitably have barrels of beer which still have beer inside them and it somehow seems a shame to let it go to waste!
Our beloved leader, Chairman Mark Austin said “Why don’t we have a Drink It Dry day and sell off all the beers/cider at £2, perhaps the members would like that?”
So it has been decided that on Saturday 28th Nov at 6.00 pm will sell off all the beers from our old supplier at £2 a pint!! It will be at that time as it seemed only fair to let the away rugby teams have a chance to get back and join in the fun!
Mark is even laying on a DJ as it’s his eldest son is 21 and what better way to celebrate?
So tell your friends (not too many! ☺) and come and join us in this early Christmas present from Towcestrians! This offer excluded beers from the Mill and West brewery!
Please drink responsibly…