Welcome Emma Cannon

Towcestrians are delighted to announce the appointment of Emma Cannon to the new role of House Manager and Events Coordinator. If her face seems familiar, (see attached photo) that’s because it is! Emma has been a Tennis club members for over 8 years and has served on the Tennis and General committee so is at heart a true Towcestrian!

Emma brings to the club a vast wealth of experience in the drinks and hospitality world, having managed The Saracens Head as well as being Hospitality and Events manager for Hilton Hotels. More recently she has been working in the drinks trade.

We felt that Emma is the perfect person to lead Tows into the new and exciting times with our development plans for the club!

Emma’s duties will be far and wide. She is basically in charge of everything to do with the Clubhouse and what goes on in it. this includes. maintenance, cleaning, utilities, the bar and kitchen supplies and the running of them as well as coordinating all the meeting, events in and around the Club.

So, if you want to raise any concerns about the club please go through Emma and also should you want to book the club, she controls the diary.

Part of Emma’s role will be to talk to businesses in the area to encourage them to use us for their meetings and social events as that if a very big revenue stream for us. So please, if your business/company would like to hire or sponsor us, contact Emma on 01327 350141 / 07745 162002
emmacannon@towcestrians.azurewebsites.net or bookings@towcestrians.azurewebsites.net

While we all wish Emma the best of luck in her new role we must also thank Beth Davidson who has been a stalwart for the club stepping in as a “temporary” events coordinator and has stayed longer than she bargained for. We has done some sterling work for us and shown maturity beyond her years. A huge thank you Beth and we all wish you well for the future and we know you will still be around “your” Towcestrians!!